We live in a Grift Economy. This is our attempt at getting your money and making it ours so that we can spend more time making this podcast.

By becoming a patron of Fat Guy, Jacked Guy, you receive weekly bonus content, merch (depending on your tier), the ability to berate us for our insolence, access to our banking information, social security numbers, copies of our passports, and keys to our homes. You'll also help two teachers afford their addictions to fancy jewelry, coffee, gambling, faberge eggs, and vintage tuxedo jackets.
But seriously, our patrons will help us create more quality work and GOOFS. We'll use funds to buy better equipment, create and distribute merch, and compensate guests (and OURSELVES) for labor.
Patreon Tiers
Brother "Work Friend"ship
Brother Friend of a Friendship
Nearly Our Actual Brother
Bonus Episodes
Exclusive content
Bonus Episodes
Exclusive content
Bonus Episodes
Exclusive content
Our Actual Brother
True Brotherhood
You Are Our Biological Brother
Bonus Episodes
Exclusive content
Bonus episodes
Exclusive content
Patron shout-out
Fan requests
Bonus episodes
Exclusive content
Patron shout-out
Fan requests